lab_main.pictoL'équipe de SPH

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Joseph URBAS

>Accès rapide

  • Thèmes de recherche

    Remonter Remonter
    • American literature and philosophy
    • Ralph Waldo Emerson's philosophy : metaphysics, ethics, esthetics, politics, religion
    • The "ontological turn" in American Transcendentalism, and its precursors in Europe (Schelling, Hegel, Coleridge, Cousin)

    • Literary form and philosophical content: narrative forms (Melville, Poe), poetry (Whitman, Dickinson), and the essay (Emerson, Thoreau)
    • Women and children in the Transcendentalist movement: Margaret Fuller, Caroline Sturgis, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, Louisa May Alcott
    • Utopian communities in the age of Transcendentalism: Brook Farm, Fruitlands
  • Responsabilités administratives et scientifiques

    Remonter Remonter
    • Member of the Advisory Board, Ralph Waldo Emerson Society (2013-2015)
  • Publications

    Remonter Remonter
    • >Ouvrages

    • >Articles

      • >Articles dans des revues ou chapitres de livres
        • 2017 : "How Close a Reader of Emerson is Stanley Cavell?" The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2017 (forthcoming)
        • 2014 : "In Praise of Second-Rate French Philosophy: Reassessing Victor Cousin's Contribution to Transcendentalism," Revue française d'études américaines 140 (April 2014), pp. 37-51
        • 2013 :
          "'Bi-Polar' Emerson: 'Nominalist and Realist," The Pluralist: The Journal of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 8.2 (summer 2013), pp. 78-105

          "'Being is the Great Explainer': Thoreau and the Ontological Turn in American Thought,"Thoreauvian Modernities, University of Georgia Press, 2013, pp. 105-125
        • 2012 : "Representative Woman: The Greatness of Mary Moody Emerson," Lifewriting Annual: Biographical and Autobiographical Studies, AMS Press, NY, 2012
        • 2010 : "Cavell's Moral Perfectionism or Emerson's Moral Sentiment?"  European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 2.2, 2010, pp. 41-53; downloadable at:
        • 2009 : "'True Romance': Emerson's Realism," Southwest Philosophy Review 25  (summer 2009), pp. 113-147
        • 2005 : "'The Other' and 'the Otherest':  The Hidden Figure in Emerson's 'Montaigne; or, the  Skeptic,'" Cahiers Charles V (special Emerson issue: Emerson dans ses textes: Rhétorique et Philosophie), Université de Paris VII - Denis Diderot (2005): 247-286
      • >Analyses d'ouvrages
        • 2011 : Review of a special issue of Religion and Literature (41.1, Spring 2009) devoted to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emerson Society Papers (Spring 2011): 12
    • Communications orales

      Remonter Remonter
      • >Séminaires

        • 2015 : "Transcendentalism on National and 'Foreign" Literatures," lecture invitation by the Anglistiches Seminar and Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg, July 15, 2015
      • >Conférences

        • 2016 : "'The Man with No Senses': Bronson Alcott's Idealism and Its Impact on Emerson's Philosophy," 43rd Annual Convention of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Portland, Oregon, March 3-5, 2016
        • 2016 : "Women and Metaphysics in the Transcendentalist Circle: Mary Moody Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody," Summer Institute in American Philosophy (Feminisms Past and Present panel), University of Oregon, Eugene, July 11-16, 2016
        • 2015 : "Emerson's Ethics with Ontology, or What's the Matter with Optimism?" 42nd Annual Convention of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, March 5-7, 2015
        • 2015 : "'The Life by Which Things Exist': The Metaphysical Ground of Emersonian Self-Reliance," Naturally Emerson: Creative Reading, Self-Reliance, and Cultural Agency, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, April 16-18, 2015
        • 2015 : "A Causationist Account of Ralph Waldo Emerson's Metaphysics," Summer Institute in American Philosophy, University College Dublin, School of Philosophy, Dublin, Ireland, June 8-13, 2015
        • 2013 : "'The Triumphs of Female Authorship': Margaret Fuller, Mme. de Staël, and the Standard of Literary Greatness," Transatlantic Women II: Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers Abroad, Florence, OPA Centro Arte et Cultura, 6-9 June 2013

          "How Close a Reader of Emerson Is Stanley Cavell?", The Return of the Text: A Conference on the Cultural Value of Close Reading, Le Moyne College Religion and Literature Forum, Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York, September 26-28 2013
        • 2013 : "How Close a Reader of Emerson Is Stanley Cavell?" The Return of the Text: A Conference on the Cultural Value of Close Reading, Le Moyne College Religion and Literature Forum, Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York, September 26-28, 2013
        • 2012 : "New England Transcendentalism, 'German Metaphysics,' and the 'Struggle against Subjectivism", Romantisme et Philosophie, Université Lille 3, les 28-29 septembre 2012

          "Does Emerson's Pluralism Go All the Way Down?" First European Conference on Pragmatism and American Philosophy, Rome, 19-21 septembre 2012

          "In Praise of Second-Rate French Philosophy: Reassessing Victor Cousin's Impact on Emerson and Transcendentalism," Conversazioni in Italia: Emerson, Hawthorne, Poe, Florence, Italie, 8-10 juin 2012
        • 2009 : "'Being is the Great Explainer': Thoreau and the Ontological Turn in American Thought," Thoreauvian Modernities, Lyon, ENS-Lyon/Université Lumière - Lyon II, May  2009
        • 2008 : "How an American Author Becomes a French Classic: Herman Melville in the Bibliothèque de la Pléiade," Annual Convention of the Association of Literary Scholars and Critics (ALSC),  Philadelphia, October 2008

          "Emerson, Transcendentalism, and the Ontological Turn in American Thought, 1820-1850," Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (SAAP), 35th Annual Convention, East Lansing, Michigan, March 2008
        • 2006 : 'The Other and 'the Otherest': The Hidden Figure in Emerson's Montaigne, or the Skeptic," Transatlanticism in American Literature: Emerson, Hawthorne, Poe, The Rothermere American Institute/St. Catherine's College, Oxford University, July 2006

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  • lab_main.pictoL'agenda de SPH

    • >Séminaires
      • Illustration pour l'élément >
        Mercredi 5 juin 2024, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Maison de la Recherche, salle des thèses
        Séminaire "Néolibéralisme(s), Libéralisme(s), Illibéralisme(s) : comment nommer les choses en philosophie politique et économique?", organisé par M. Zakriti (SPH), R. Morisset, P. Crétois (SPH) et M. Montalban.
      • >
        Jeudi 6 juin 2024, MSH de Bordeaux, salle 3, 14h-17h
        Huitième séance du séminaire de philosophie contemporaine "Correlation(s)" animé par David Bastidas, Ferdinand Perot et Florian Moullard :
        avec Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel : "L'énigmatique statut de la notion de vérité dans le réalisme contemporain : l'exemple du réalisme scientifique"
        et Samuel Vitel : "Par-delà la corrélation, l'identité : vers une théorie idéaliste de l'objectivité'
      Tous les séminaires >
    • >Journées d'études
      • >
        30-31 octobre 2024, MSH Bordeaux, salle Jean Borde
        Appel à communications pour les Journées des doctorants 2024, organisées par Olga Akou Kochie, Daniel Bastidas-Bolaños et Alexandre Iagodkine, sur le thème "Savoir, Pouvoir, Humain".
        Consulter ci-dessous l'AAC
        Télécharger le document lié >
      Toutes les conférences >
  • Pictogramme pour la sectionAxes de recherches

    Les recherches de l'équipe s'articulent autour de trois axes principaux.

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  • Pictogramme pour la sectionThèses et mémoires

    Découvrez les thèses en philosophie, épistémologie ou histoire des sciences soutenues par les doctorants rattachés à SPH.

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  • Pictogramme pour la sectionEnseignements

    Pour tout savoir sur l'enseignement de la philosophie, de l'épistémologie et de l'histoire des sciences à l'Université de Bordeaux, et préparer une thèse dans ces disciplines.

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  • Pictogramme pour la sectionRessources

    L'équipe SPH met à votre disposition des mémoires et articles inédits, des textes de conférences et des enregistrements audios ou vidéos d'entretiens ou de séminaires.

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